
thought leader I AUTHOR I Event Strategist I Small Business Consultant


I am a student of life and catalyst for positive change. Tackling topics ranging from parenting and entrepreneurship to mental health advocacy, I use my speaking engagements to empower individuals and communities alike. As a mom, wife, and business owner, I know all too well the diverse complexities of life. It is this unique understanding that has enabled me to make an indelible impact on those around me. I’m an overcomer, and strive every day to inspire others to take ownership of their lives and unleash their fullest potential. With authenticity and faith, I hope to inspire others to follow their purpose on purpose. 

T.Sharde Manna Enterprises HS2

Available For...

Speaking Engagement

Don't miss the chance to book T. Shardé for your next event. Elevate your audience's experience and equip them with the tools needed to thrive both personally and professionally.

Event Strategist

Event strategy with T.Shardé offers you a personalized and stress-free approach to planning your next event. With over 20 years of hospitality experience, I work closely with you to bring your vision to life,

Small Business Coaching & Consulting

As a seasoned entrepreneur with years of experience, I specialize in consulting small business owners to help them achieve success. My consulting services are tailored to address the unique challenges small business owners face, providing actionable strategies for sustainable success. Let me help you turn your business goals into reality.

Sharde has now spoken a number of times for different events at Belmont University. She has a way of crafting a message the speaks deeply to the heart of those in attendance. She navigates hard topics with healthy amounts of vulnerability, courage, while remaining deeply connected to her audience. Sharde’s presence is warm, approachable, and one the makes those around her feel safe to engage with her. We are grateful for each time she shares her story and wisdom with our campus community
Dave J.


Listen Now

We are now in Season 2 of Faithfully Unscripted! Join me for an unscripted look as I attempt to navigate the challenges of life with faith. Available on all streaming platforms.

Elevate Your Next Experience!

Book T. Shardé today to empower your audience with actionable strategies and unforgettable inspiration!

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